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Transforming pet care through the use of technology

Vet-AI is a business with a mission to transform pet care through the use of technology. After 9 months with Nexus, our collaboration team has helped Vet-AI to connect with a wealth of support across the University and beyond – connections that are helping to boost research and development (R&D) and bring rapid growth.

These include:

  • School of Mechanical Engineering: Looking at implantable and sensing systems to detect lameness in dogs.
  • School of Computing: A collaboration which employs machine-learning tools to allow pet owners to detect problems such as arthritis and hip dysplasia using a smartphone camera.
  • School of Design: Three Masters students helped to re-design the company’s flagship app, Joii.
  • Leeds University Business School: Vet-AI has delivered guest lectures to students on the Innovation; Thinking & Practice module.
The Vet-AI team in the Nexus building
Looking at where we were a year ago – without Nexus – is not even comparable. Fast-forward to this year and we’ve made incredible progress. We’ve launched our first product, expanded our team and embarked on research collaboration partnerships with world-class academics. Nexus has enabled us to make so many meaningful connections that are truly accelerating our business.